Thursday 27 August 2020

My Cat, Ginger

Ginger is a cute and cuddly cat, so cute I wish he could come to the teddy bear picnic. I got him when I was seven years old and he was already so adorable. I played with him and gave him many hugs and now he is starting to join me in my google meets. 

My favourite things about him is his fur because it is so nice, soft and pretty and that he loves hugs. He loves to disturb me in my sleep by hopping onto my bed to sleep on my poor old back.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Snowy the Winter Owl

 This is my favourite toy. Her name is Snowy. I chose her because she has floofles on her head and I think she is cute. She has a big brother named Flight and her dads name is Pecky. This is what they look like in real life.

Blog you later!

Monday 10 August 2020

intermediate opening night

last night my family went to intermediate together.

we got to see the library then the visual arts room and we learnt that they go camping near term one we went to the food tech room then the dance room the tech room we got to see the playground then we went to the quiet room and we got to read some books I read Tui street tales and at the end before we went to pick up my sister Joy I made one of my most world fame Milo's and it was better than ever. Blog you later!