Thursday 20 August 2020

Snowy the Winter Owl

 This is my favourite toy. Her name is Snowy. I chose her because she has floofles on her head and I think she is cute. She has a big brother named Flight and her dads name is Pecky. This is what they look like in real life.

Blog you later!


  1. Wow Austin!
    I love the drawing you did, it's amazing. I really like how you only added colour to the eyes. Your toys are so adorable. The names you picked for them are really cute. Have you been enjoying lockdown? I have. I've done some baking and watched Netflix. If you want, you could blog about what you have done or the online tasks.

    Overall, what an amazing blogpost. I enjoyed reading it. Make sure to keep safe.
    BLog you later!

  2. Cool choice for your favourite soft toy :-) Your Snowy picture looks great! Love from Mum

  3. This is a great response to the drawing task from your choice board Austin, ka pai! I love the detail in the eyes - you've made the colour 'pop' beautifully. Have you tried to draw a picture of your lovely cat? I think he would make a lovely subject of a drawing.

    1. i might do a blog of my cat next monday if he shows

  4. Hi Austin!

    That is an epic owl!
    Maybe if you draw the other 2 owl's you can make a family portrait :)
    Have you drawn a picture for our teddy bear display for when we go back to school?
    What else have you been up to during this lock down?

    Keep up the awesome blogging!

    1. yes it is my teddy for the teddy display

  5. Wow Austin! great drawing. It reminded me of my teddy I love the confidence you have to do a blog post about it. Maybe next time you could draw both owls on the picture so it can be like a family project!. Kai pai.


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