Wednesday 9 December 2020



    This term we did skateboarding and it was ultra fun and I liked it so much. We learned thing like the tik tak and snakes and we even played octopus those were the fun times. I had later learned my first tricks and became one with the board like I did with biking skills. In fact we had so much fun that we had to stop that fun (for now) but now sadly that's over and no more skateboard fun. Blog Ya Later Folks.

Thursday 3 December 2020

summer learning journey

This year we are doing the summer learning journey with Mr Margets and we are doing practice at the moment. Later we will be doing the actual learning LIKE A BOSS  and so the actual thing is a little bit harder. but the after that is EVEN HARDER.


                                                        WHICH ONE IS THE REAL ONE

 is it this one

 or this one


Friday 27 November 2020

Waikowhai Intermediate visit (teacher meet and greet)

 Today me and the rest of the year sixes went to Waikowhai Intermediate to meet our teachers. When I got in it was loud, very loud, well to me it was very loud. We waited for a while then after about half an hour it started. The principle came up and then our teachers came up to callout their students and then we had to get into two lines to go to our classroom. When we got to our classroom we got to colour a paper with our name on it then get a video and say our name then get a photo. Then we had to go back to the hall, then after that we went to primary school. Bye, see you next blog post!

Friday 20 November 2020


 Hello everyone ,its me again and this week I'm coming at you with SKATEBOARDING. It was super fun at the start, I felt quite scared because it was my first time I have ever done it. I kept falling off but now i'm more confident. Our trainers were Ben and Laurence and they came from Young Gun Skate School. 

The things that were challenging were doing solo, holding onto the skateboard, to ride a skateboard, learning outside the classroom, playing whats up wolf, trying not to fall, learning to do tic tacks, not crashing into each other, learning new skills, twas sunny, riding down the ramps and being able to use the whole court. 

What I've learnt today. I learned to ride faster, balance. I had to practice balancing and to ride faster by by putting my foot at the front and pushing with the other foot.

I gained a lot for skateboarding today. I gained more confidence (which was hard for me at first. Another thing I think I gained from this is that I had a lot of fun. I wonder what I am going to learn next time

Thursday 12 November 2020


Last week was production week and it was super fun, I thought I played a good roll of the silk merchant and it was fun, although we did have our doubts, I was a merchant with Tueila, Angie and Yousuf. Some of my family came to see it the first one, my dad, grandma and sister came to watch it. The second night it was just my mum. The morning one it was my Nana and Popa. It was hard to get ready first we had to get inside then get dressed then we had to get into our seats. Then on it was waiting for our parts. Apart from that it was mainly waiting. Blog Ya Laters.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Tongan language week this week we learned about Tonga it was really fun to learn about another place on the surface of earth and I learned that my friend Vili comes from Tonga. The blue writing it a link to a thing called POLYFEST. Everyone in it were all moving at the same time and they were all fabulous. all of the blue writing is a link to polyfest stuff

Thursday 27 August 2020

My Cat, Ginger

Ginger is a cute and cuddly cat, so cute I wish he could come to the teddy bear picnic. I got him when I was seven years old and he was already so adorable. I played with him and gave him many hugs and now he is starting to join me in my google meets. 

My favourite things about him is his fur because it is so nice, soft and pretty and that he loves hugs. He loves to disturb me in my sleep by hopping onto my bed to sleep on my poor old back.