Tuesday 15 September 2020

Tongan language week

https://www.google.com/search?q=polyfest&rlz=1CASFJY_enNZ888&oq=polyfest&aqs=chrome..69i57j46j0l6.3875j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on this week we learned about Tonga it was really fun to learn about another place on the surface of earth and I learned that my friend Vili comes from Tonga. The blue writing it a link to a thing called POLYFEST. Everyone in it were all moving at the same time and they were all fabulous. all of the blue writing is a link to polyfest stuff


  1. Kia ora, I’m Maiki from Ahipara School. I liked how you learned about another country another race. Next time you could add more detail.

  2. Hello Austin
    I am Peitynn in Waitemata just beside your class. I really liked your brief description about Tongan Language week. We also did kahoot too and I came 4 or 5 place the kahoot was really fun. Maybe next time you could add the link to a word instead of putting the link on top of the post. Anyway thank you for sharing your blog post with me at I would like you to see my blog at http://wpspeitynnf.blogspot.com/.
    Blog you Later!!!

  3. Talofa Austin, great blog post. Yes it was really fun learning about Tonga! It's pretty cool how we can find out were our friends come from. I went on a few sites that the link was taking me to. What was your favourite part about Tongan Language week? Maybe next time you could add some photo's. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Austin, blog ya later!


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