Wednesday 29 April 2020


ANZAC day was very boring because we did not do it properly. There was no service this year only the radio. We made poppies ❌❌ . We made them out of paint and bottles then we stapled them on our fence. ANZAC morning was so cold I felt like I was an ice cube. "> At the least I got pancakes after we came inside. It was terrible I was so cold .That's all I can think of. Blog you later.


  1. Awesome display on your fence Austin. I love the fact you have so many. It looks like an art installation. Well done to collect that many bottle bases as well and have the patience to create them. It was chilly standing out early in the morning but the sunrise was so lovely too. Kia kaha

  2. Kia ora Austin. I like how descriptive you were with your writing. It's not nice to feel as cold as an ice cube! The fence looks great. Maybe you could make a video or write some instructions to teach others how to do this?

  3. Wow Austin, your display of poppies is wonderful - what a great way of reusing old plastic bottles. ANZAC Day was certainly different this year, we stood at our mailbox at the end of the driveway and listened to the service on the radio. What was nice is that someone further up our road played the last post before the service started and it echoed down the valley, which was quite beautiful. I see in the photograph, that you are in uniform. Would you usually be on parade on ANZAC Day? I still have my neckerchief and woggle from my days as a leader in the Scouting movement, but I haven't worn them in years. Well done on getting up early and participating, even if it was in a different way to what you would normally do. Take care and stay safe.

    1. the uniform i was wering was my cub scouts one.

  4. Hi Austin, I love your super creative poppies, they look amazing. And what a great idea putting them on your fence. Nice to see that all your family was out to commemorate Anzac Day. Maybe next year you will be able to go to a service. Could you hear someone playing the bag pipes on Dominion Road? take care in your bubble.

  5. Why thank you you are all so nice and your writing is amazing.So is your punctuation.

  6. Hi Austin, what an amazing remberance display you have create with all the poppies. I really liked the white against the red inside of the poppy. It was really effective. The fence was a great place to arrange the poppies too, especially as you stood by them at sunrise. Did you make the poppies yourself or were your family involved in creating them?
    Keep up the fabulous effort and keep blogging what you are up to in your term two distance learning.


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