Tuesday 31 March 2020

what i have been doing during isolation.

i have been watching movies. some of the movies i have been watching are lord of the rings, sonic, pokemon, wonder park and others. i have also been playing roblox and minecraft with my dad. and my birthday is also coming up. and today i had a tickle war with my mum and playd a box fort fight with my sister. i also got a nightmare foxy plush. i made it my mini me. i will blog you later.


  1. Heya Austin, great to see you are looking at the Syndicate Site and following some of the suggestions. It is good to hear what you are doing during lockdown. Lord of the Rings are some of my all time favourite movies. I loved reading the books as a teenager back in the seventies! Remember when you write a single i is ALWAYS written as a capital letter - so I had a .... etc. See if you can add any photos to your blogs, even if it is of a game you play or your backyard. It makes reading your work even more interesting. Kia atawhai kia kaha. Be kind be strong.

  2. Hi Austin, it's fantastic to see that you are enjoying some time with the different members of your family. There are two of us in our house/bubble, along with our three cats - we have enjoyed playing cards and doing jobs around the house that we don't normally have time to do. What are you planning to do to make your birthday special?
    Remember what Ms Sands has explained about 'I' and also remember that every sentence starts with a capital letter. It's a good idea to edit before you post.
    I'll look forward to hearing more about your time during the lockdown. Well done Austin :-)

  3. Hi Austin, it's great to hear that you have been busy and engaged during isolation.
    You have a 'lockdown birthday'. My husband had his birthday during lockdown. I wonder how many people in NZ have had birthdays during this time. I hope you have a grear day as you celebrate turning a year older. Do you have birthday plans?
    As a new term begins I would love to see some blogs about your at home learning and how its going.

    1. Austin's Mum had her birthday during lockdown too, just 4 days before Austin's.

  4. Oh dear Austin, I didn't check my comment properly and I can see now that I spelt 'great' wrong. I need to remember to check my comment carefully before I publish!A good reminder for me.

    1. you kinda put the ! without a space between the A

  5. HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY Austin! I hope you are having a fabulous day! This will certainly be a birthday to remember in lockdown. It's great to read that you have been busy in your bubble during this time. What is a foxy plush? As Ms Sands has suggested, perhaps you could post a photo of what it looks like. Maybe your next post could be about how you've spent your birthday today (and add some photos too please).

  6. ooooh i see what your talking about ill try to rememder for my next one


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