Friday 19 June 2020


Kia Ora bloggers.

   I would like to tell you all about something I did for the toolkits. This app is called Incredibox. Incredibox is a music app that lets you create your own music with the help of a merry crew of beatboxers.  You can use it by 4 things 1. Students make their own background music for a video they create. 2. Music class: rythm, beat, melodies, remixing, layering ect. 3. Create content based raps/songs to sing to the beats. 4. Dance and act out vocabulary, historical events, ect. to the beats students create. Okay and that is incredibox for you.

Friday 12 June 2020

my creative writing

this is the link.

This term we have been working on creative writing. It was very fun.

My story is about a game of soccer that plays on a tall mountain that is off, as in tilted off.

We had to choose from about five photos. It was a bit hard because I could not think properly at that time.

It was also very hard to think of what to type but eventually I thought of something to write.

I would be scared if I played on that place.