Wednesday 18 December 2019

day 3 activity 1

if i had to choose 3 superpowers i would pic strength,flight and speed.

strength because i could save someone from being crushed.

flight because i could get to villans faster.

and speed because i'd run to people in danger.


  1. Great job Austin! I wish I had superpowers too, it would get the chores done mega fast 😉 Love, Mum

  2. Hi again Austin,

    Thank you for posting about the three superpower you’d choose - I really enjoyed reading them. I love how all of your superpowers are about helping people when they are unsafe or in need, this shows you are a kind and empathetic person. Have you ever stood up in an unsafe situation before? It can be really difficult to do, but it feels pretty awesome when you do it :)

    If I was to choose a superpower I would choose teleportation too, because then I could travel the world and not have to pay for flights!

    Next time you use images from the internet, make sure you attribute the image - this just means copy the link from where you found the image and put it next to the image on the poster, so we can see exactly where you found it :)

    Thanks for posting! Have a brilliant day,

  3. Kia ora, Austin.That is so cool. Also i like those powers to stop villains and bad guys.


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